Our time is at hand

                                                      Welcome to our Circle of Life’s December 2015 newsletter


       A quote from Jeshua firstly ..we are not alone unless we choose to be                                        


      The Wayshower

“I showed you your true self–The Christ Self–the I AM
I showed you what your Christ-Self is capable of doing
I will show you the way out of this cycle
And I will show you the way into a New Age where your Christ Self will flourish
This, I promise you. You need only ask”. Jeshua

Wow is everything is coming up to the surface to be cleansed .. Everything! And no  person, country or place is exempt  as I was shown just this week-These changes involve literally shaking off and releasing the parts of our reality that no longer fit into the new times and it certainly is more intense than I /we have ever experienced. …It is your time now and we will need to be ‘tough’ . 


Our Sun is expelling massive gamma ray bursts to us all bringing in the Power of the new Christed energy. The weather is off the charts- Europe is experiencing unbelievable changes, the political climate is absolutely crazy, and the world economies are on the brink. And if that is not enough, one “terrorist” attack after another, complete with massive, traumatizing media coverage/mind control has left people unable to cope with the stress.

The Northern hemisphere needs our thoughts and our prayers particularly the Middle East ,Europe Africa. The United States (the I AM Race decreed by its forefathers and the heavenly realm) has fallen so far from Grace. Help her rediscover its Heart and Soul so they can lead the world based upon the principles that they were founded on, not from  the massive digression from their original  constitution as they are living from now..

Do you know the US have even taken  ‘ In God we Trust’ off their dollar bills, they don’t allow Prayer to be said at the beginning of a public school day! The rise in anxiety, depression, suicides (in military services it is very high) are almost reaching epidemic proportions and that includes among children and teenagers . Holy Spirit TOLD me just recently that people do not even believe in God anymore .

Do you know Russia is becoming quite  the new world leader in more ways then one-  in Spirituality there is a massive resurgence in this quite incredibly changed  country since end of the 1990s .Their  Belief and Faith in God and Christ has never been stronger(and that goes for President Putin too) and hopefully they can lead the world back to  justice, order and Peace .

 We can do our bit act as conduits so to speak from ‘down under’- Pray,  Pray , Pray .Send the Violet Flame out every day to all and sundry .  If you are Catholic or Orthodox pray the Rosary every day for world  peace and if not pray in any way you believe right for you And MEDITATE not only for the answers to  your Life but for all and that includes Mother Earth and all  her kingdoms.


From personal experience there are many issues surfacing among myself, family and close friends at this time .  So if you have felt out of sorts for some time even depressed, fatigued, lonely it is not about you  we are  releasing our own stuff too (from past lives I was shown just this week).  And we are here to help our families through their issues but do not take them on personally.

Nothing and I mean nothing can be taken into the new times  that is not of God!

This is why we write so often it is time now for humanity to go within and discover their lives through their Hearts not their minds .This is to be the time that ‘Man must know THYSELF and thou will know God and the Universe’ or as  Jeshua  would say  Love must become  the ‘Commander in Chief’ of ourselves, our communities and Planet Earth again and the only way through that is the Sacred Heart…..   Will you do your bit!

. …..Breathe Love in and out in your daily lives like never before .

Our Thoughts …It is essential our Thoughts are founded on Love more than ever before -No one is exempt from the fact that each person’s consciousness is identified wherever we go and whatever we do. Indeed, as our own personal higher consciousness expands and prevails, the energy attracts others to join with us so that an enormous cleansing of the human psyche can occur in many homes, diverse places and even governments.

So we need at all times to be in a positive state of mind and not succumb to any negative energies or emotions because if we do, we increase the risk of the dark focus becoming more powerful, accentuating the possibility of further negative events coming into our lives and all those around us.

Chakra Balancing. I don’t think we have ever specifically written about this part of us but because of all the internal changes going on within us and the external mixed up effects of Life around us we may need to do a thorough chakra balance on ourselves. We have done it . .If you don’t know how email us or see a healer.

As we know in the midst of all this craziness, we are also experiencing the ascension/awakening process. For years we have said that ascension is not about leaving your body and disappearing into another dimension where all was perfect. Instead is the process of ascending one’s consciousness while in the physical. To ascend one’s consciousness requires the ability to view life’s events from a higher perspective-become the Beholder and observe both the positive and negative and find value in both.

As we develop this ability we will be able to ride the waves of change and not get pulled under. Of course, this ability requires a new set of beliefs, higher beliefs based on the ‘god within’, our Sacred Heart centre .It does take a constant commitment and discipline to then Live from that space..

Only then, with the ability and skill to be able to see beyond the obvious (the 10% of reality we see) to what is really going on (the 90% of reality that is hidden) can we rebalance ourselves after each shock comes and it will before humanity eventually find peace.

For your family and friends suggest to them that they learn breathing techniques, (learn about the Adamantine Particles) meditation, yoga and healthy eating ….But this is only the beginning

Bodily – physical, emotional and mental issues will continue

As our solar  system, and planet continue to being bombarded with an increased influx of Gamma radiation from the Sun, the Christed higher energy frequencies,  it is also uplifting our DNA into a more crystalline structure.  This is not apparent on a day to day basis but rest assured it is happening  as the DNA the basis of human life must be changed to assist the ascension process.

(We reiterate here that we were given Ocean Ormus among other things to share as it will assist this purpose)

This movement from a carbon to  a crystalline body will continue to cause more than its share of bodily quirks from our head to our feet and much, much more emotionally and mentally- even more than we have written about in  the past few years newsletters.

We cannot stress enough the need for Meditation and Prayer in these awesome times .It is urgent if  not critical .All of humanity will have to make changes—not just us and not even soon but NOW!.—even when they may not understand what we know.

The consciousness of our beautiful planet is daily shifting upward and it is important that we keep pace with her wisdom and Love. Realize that she needs us/ you—and many like us—to make her and humanities transition into the Light easier and faster.

We encourage each of you not to lose Heart, not to lose Faith  ‘In God we Trust.’ Hold fast to a Loving Heart and the willingness to serve the Light in your very own unique way—finding others like yourself to share your journey with Love and Joy and this should be happening  NOW.

Do not neglect your families but your other spiritual associations  will be vital in the times ahead!

For yes, it is the time of Community Creativity, of which we have spoken before. It is the era for utilizing the biblical remark that  ” When  two or more are gathered in my name there I AM.” Holy Spirit will join to complete any creative and Loving intention.

Courage and Steadfastness will be needed in these extraordinary times. It is vital for you to assist those who may flounder and help them to use the high energies to be quiet and stay balanced as best they can.  Perhaps your personal example will further demonstrate whatever words you might share?

Be the example of Love in action  everyday. It is in the Loving expression of good (God) thoughts that we have the Power to change our world as we see it not just in our families but our communities, our country and live in a a more Peaceful world ….  This the magic of Being a god in action.  


Call or email us or visit our website for more information about any aspect of our work, including the combined teachings of Jeshua and Archangel Michael, Our “Gift ranges from Heaven’- Ocean Ormus, Miracle II, our sacred books, and oils  which carry the beautiful Violet flame and the Adamantine Particles, the body of God.



Do look at  the Conversations with Jesus 2 volume CD set now available at $50 off previous pricing  as we are producing in Australia  This is Course in LOVE and Life like no other so much needed in our world  at this time. . 


If you wanted us to give a talk or work session and can get a sufficient no  of people together, we would  be happy to  work  with your group, run  a seminar, do some group  healing work. We also   take “The Awakening of Humanity” theme with us wherever we go with a greater explanation and full interpretation of the many, many messages we receive re the times we are living and the positive outcomes for an awakened, spiritualized humanity


     Do some things each day that makes you joyous, sing and dance a little, have some fun and show your fellow man that the Spiritual Life is very special and uplifting.


 We will issue a brief Christmas newsletter in a couple of weeks. Till then share with as many as you believe should read                  


   “Breathe in the Adamantine Particles of God, Breathe out  LOVE”




                                                    ….We are here in Service.



                                 Blessings from the Circle of Life


                               P.O. Box 700 Engadine NSW 2233


                                                 041 721 4936  

A reminder we are taking a short break from 14 th December till first week of January Should you require any items particularly as Christmas Gifts please get your order in  this week or next Thank you in advance