Our Love Without End story
Our Love Without End story
Welcome everyone to this special news report.. As these are such awesome times I thought it a great time to reshare with you a little of why we do ‘Love Without End’ and have now done so for 17 years as I believe it is becoming even more relevant today for you as well as me than ever before to know about I have revised the original newsletter I sent out several years ago as there is more to share and we have many more now on our email list.
Our monthly newsletters have never contained any full channeled messages as such but all come from MY Truth from Holy Spirit within. I write down the messages as I get them generally in meditation before I go to sleep or in the middle of the night when then I pick up my notebook to write (Jeshua Asked me to do this some 21 years ago and I have never missed a night since.)
My messages I see either visually or by voice,a moving picture and sometimes a simple song …Yes listen to those special songs in your head ..they are your angels whispering to you and it is one way they can reach anybody ! It was when I took on “Love Without End” that that accelerated and I had some Life changing experiences before, during and after that made me do this work with a Passion .
Many different interpretations have been taken of Jeshua’s original teachings with over 20,000 church organizations now existing on our planet today and many have missed the simplicity of what He taught which was “LOVE”, not fear, nor damnation.. God is a Loving God and does not condemn …full stop ! . Even more importantly the new revelations in the book are for right Living in the 21st century plus things like His explanation of how the universe and science work is mindboggling and there is so much more from this GIFT from God and Him.
In any case as with everything I write I ask you to read with your Heart not your mind and discern what registers as your Truth .Take that on board and leave the rest .Now read on as you see fit….
Jeshua TOLD me 17 years ago “Before I came to the Earth that I had agreed to take on Love Without End .” This happened after getting a copy of one of the CDS from Conversations with Jesus ‘by a small miracle’ then buying a book , reading it twice then really studying it a third time in great depth.
I heard heavenly choirs .Jesus sang to me the Lord’s Prayer in a voice that made the 3 tenors sound like choir boys learning to sing…..It was quite incredible.
And there was much more but that should give you a feel for it .Whenever I started to wane over these past 17 years and felt people were not listening or taking in anything I said about this work He would come through to give me some encouragement .
“Take our work to this or that exhibition.. people get a Healing just from His or Mary’s paintings which we exhibited every single time or He would say get some more postcards of “The Lamb and the Lion” out ….He Asked me to stick to what I am doing and at the same time He asked me not to be carried away with other’s messages and channellings and people’s ‘ paths.”
He said “the Love Without End work carries the Creator’s and His Blessing”
If you have a book or Conversations with Jesus CD set stored away please get it out again. These are works in progress for a fulfilled Life and for helping our families , our fellow man and our communities truly LIVE !
I stress here for those who have not read the book or heard the CDS this work is not your everyday channelled message book.It is a “teaching manuscript for your Life”
Love Without End was also given at a time for those who could not fully understand or stick with the deep teachings Jeshua gave earlier via “The Course in Miracles” and it would be better understood by the general public and for Christians to subtly review His teachings from the New (and old)Testament to connect to His real Truth of all His messages and of course this work is for YOU to understand and hopefully teach from .
Channeled messages
I will add to this brief bulletin a comment here on many channelled messages being spewed forth from the Internet sometimes you can be totally confused if you read too much .Many so called channelers are not even as Spiritual as you are, psychic yes, but cannot get any better messages from ‘on High’ then you can.
I say often find God, Christ and Holy Spirit within BEFORE you listen to anyone else. And the only way to do that is Prayer and Meditation and good works. THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS on the Spiritual Path.
And Yes we are all looking for Answers (the whole world is ) and Yes there are some proven and outstanding channelers like Glenda Green and Ronna Herman who speak generally but they can only give you guidance as they are not allowed to know your whole Soul journey. That is between God and you .That is a Cosmic Law !
And lastly do not hang on with bated breath any or some of the channeled messages that give you DATES for this or that happening ..There is no TIME on Heavenly clocks as we know it so they /we can get it wrong. I have been shown things that do happen in the future and thought that must be next week or next month only to see it actually happen a year or two out .The one visual exception I received was the massive Tsunami in December 2004 I saw it happen 3 weeks before but did not know when or where !
Our work…your work !
Jeshua and Michael has ASKED me to take their teachings out into the public arena so often as their work will become a foundation for many, a manuscript for Living in the 21st century. The books “Love Without End ..Jesus Speaks ”, “The Keys of Jeshua” and the accompanying 14 CD set “Conversations with Jesus “and Archangel Michael’s books are tools for Right Living ” These are to be the new times ‘books of Knowledge’”.
Will you help! …. WE NEED TEACHERS TO TEACH HUMANITY THE WAY !. God, Jeshua will help show you the WAY. That time is very “soon'” ..I am seeing Jeshua hand our scrolls, our assignments that have been worked out in Heaven. !
Think about our other Gifts too like our Miracle II , Sacred Oils and Ocean Ormus which has a profound positive yet very subtle effect on the DNA as we move back from our carbon based bodies to a crystalline (silicone) one or from the Consciousness of a 2 strand to a fully awakened 12 strand DNA ‘Being of Light’
All our products Miracle II, Ocean Ormus , our Sacred Oils carry a high vibration .All carry a Christ Consciousness . All are filled with the Adamantine Particles.
All have been made available especially for these times !!!
In these uncertain times if you have been doing the work -Prayer, Meditation, the Breathing (so essential to breathe in the Adamantine Particles now), good works etc there will be nothing to be frightened of and you always be in the right place at the right time .
This may be the time when your real journey in Life truly begins and God’s divine plan for you is fully revealed . Look at this time as a time of HOPE guided by your FAITH with plenty of CHARITY or LOVE is in ACTION..
Every human being came to this planet to learn and grow ..But collectively we have got stuck, caught up in the trappings or survival in our 3rd dimensional living. Now is there a need for humanity to get a ‘leg up’ so to speak as we are dragging the chain and Mother Earth cannot wait any longer to “come up higher and take all life with Her” and so humanity is getting a Big wake up call NOW!.
“Love Without End …Jesus Speaks ” and “The Keys of Jeshua” are ‘Manuscripts for Right Living in the 21st century’ no matter what Humanities current Belief system is right now as .these are ‘BOOKS OF LIFE’ like no other and they are not about religion!!!
( Note we have available the 14 CD set of the Conversations with Jesus Teachings and now a manual for teaching Love Without where you can run your own group discussions
Live from your Heart.. it’s the only place you will find true Peace. Go there often throughout each day …Jeshua, Mother Mary , Mary Magdalene and Michael and all your angels will show you how . Remember everything you need for this Life is within you, your Sacred Heart not anywhere else….. Your Sacred Heart is Humanities church !
Open up your Hearts to what we have shared . Discern what registers as your Truth ..ask your own inner guidance .
Do make changes in your life where you need to now. Use the magic of the Violet flame to clean up every aspect of ourselves that needs cleansing .
This is the most incredible time EVER to be on Earth.. Our time is at hand !
LOVE and only LOVE will survive and only LOVE can change this world and we offer you some great Keys to the Kingdom !
If you would like to know more about our work, our lectures our programs, our awesome products like Miracle II, Ocean Ormus our Healing work or the whole Love Without End range please call or email us.
A Conversations with Jesus pamphlet is available on our webpages
Till next time please share as you see fit
“In the Circle of Life we are all One”
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