Overcoming fear and panic
“Overcoming fear and panic”
Circle of Life’s Autumn Newsletter
Welcome to our Autumn newsletter. We ask you read what follows with discernment as with all our newsletters as to what resonates with your Heart’s Truth .Now given the world wide shutdowns due to corona virus , isn’t it now a perfect time to reflect and take time to try to understand and digest all the changes happening ‘within and without’ and what they mean.
We know it has been an extra wearing time to say the least for all Australians given our recent heatwaves,bushfires and then floods just before this new test for humanity. The dark ones started this current ‘pandemic’ and the fires , but God is going to finish it even though it certainly looks like it will be around for a few more months .
This ‘pandemic’ was supposed to be a means to wipe out a big slice of humanity but it won’t and God is now using it to help in the Awakening process.
At this new commencement of big closures I really noticed driving around this morning it was like going through some ghost towns when I left home I had to drive through several suburbs to do some errands – no school kids , no restaurants, cafes open , deserted streets except for the supermarket areas and of course now not even a church open.
Our website Circle of Life ‘s opening page first line comments were never so true right now “The Sacred Heart is humanities church , the inner sanctum where the Soul is forever in Communion with God, Christ and in brotherhood with all life”.
This maybe time when like Jeshua and His disciples taught in small groups – homes and small conclaves . There were no churches then as such and perhaps it is time to teach people Sacred Truths this way and/ or on the Internet.
Now with many of our brothers and sisters out of work , perhaps affected by the ‘virus’ they will be more effected by this arrangement…they need our help and support .Finding the Heart space is a must for those in this situation to keep them from anxiety, depression and things far worse then that .
Prayer and Meditation are always the first things to consider and teach them to BREATHE !
For you Breathe in the Adamantine Particles. Breathe them out to the world consciously every day twice a day for at least 5 -10 minutes Even if you do not quite understand what they are, they are so Powerful and awesome.. They are the Body of God…. They create matter, they create physical life and will change your Life for Good.
We assure you we are into the wave of energies that are changing every single life on planet Earth for the Good despite what things look like currently .This is our time of Ascension and at the same time we are not leaving the planet but it is not a piece of cake getting there is it !.
Now here is a lovely thought from Jeshua to keep us on a positive note and at Peace.
“Allow yourself, when the world is too much with you, to take the deep breath (the breath of God) no matter where you are, and to receive the Peace that I give you. For it is only through the Sacred Breath that you can.
For whenever you find Me, you find Peace. Whenever you find Me, you find Joy. Whenever you find Me, you find Divine Purpose and Holy Vision.
Seek the Peace that I give you, not as the world gives, because the world gives and then takes away, changes or says there has to be conditions. My Peace I give unto you unconditionally. It is always there for you”.
And…Use the Power of the Violet Flame to help neutralize the ‘diseases’ of Fear and Anxiety that are effecting the mass consciousness. This corona thing is 24/7 right now ..change the channels but also keep the kids off the Internet as much as possible now they are home from school right now particularly if you have 5 G, it will fry their brains (and even if they don’t have 5G) and some say it created the environment for the corona thing …food for thought !
In summary
We tell you we are in for more electrifying times ahead- perhaps some unprecedented changes in weather patterns, in our leaders in business, politics, armed forces, churches , and child trafficking world wide will be exposed plus the biggest changes will come from within and within our families and community as each responds differently to the higher uplifting vibrational energies coming through.
This will continue around the world until humanity en masse overcomes its Karma and learns to go ‘within’…. Love and Peace are an unspoken necessity each of us must live by no matter what the circumstances are and Prayer and Meditation are the only way to find that Path.
This shift to a higher vibration, this Ascension process is definitely not a “Piece of Cake” is it ! Don’t forget in our prayers the animal kingdoms, wild as well as domestic, birds, trees, plant life, whales, dolphins and all sea and water life, they are feeling the effects too.…. WE ARE ALL CONNECTED , WE ARE ALL ONE AND WE WILL MAKE IT !
Much much more good information is in our Jeshua and Archangel Michael work and do you know all our Miracle II. Ocean Ormus products and our Sacred Oils are so full of LOVE and WORK !.
Please note.we will keep you in stock of all our products over the next few trying months as best we can .God willing .
All of humanity NOW HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO MAKE CHANGES IN THEIR LIVES—Teach them as they do not yet understand what we know!
Remember we are in the early years of the beginning of a new age, so change was always inevitable whether people like it or not . We encourage each of you not to lose Faith, not to lose Heart, to realize that you have great Heavenly support ..
Ask God, Jeshua, Michael, Mary or any of the other Heavenly team to help you to hold fast to a Loving Heart and the willingness to serve the Light in your very own special unique way.
Remember we volunteered, we put our hand up.It was for this we came to be of Service to our fellow (wo)man and our Mother Earth …Electrifying times are ahead– unprecedented changes in weather patterns, within ourselves, our families and community as each responds differently to the higher uplifting vibrational energies coming through. ….
We are here in Service ! ….Please share this newsletter with as many as you believe should read.
“Breathe in the Adamantine Particles of God, Breathe out Love”
Blessings from the Circle of Life
P.O. Box 700 Engadine NSW 2233
041 721 4936
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