Christmas newsletter 2024

                   Love Without End  Christmas newsletter from Circle of Life


Welcome everyone  to this special Christmas newsletter for 2024….Our focus in Life now must be through  LOVE to go forward as a total Human society and it has been sadly missing for quite some time ..but we are  starting to change that en-masse.

If you believe what we write and reveal  Spirit has shown me for what seemed like an hour that ‘LOVE will soon take over Life on our little planet.  Love built the universe. Love is all that is . LOVE created Life As God is Love , we are LOVE manifest . Love is Life  in action was  almost like everything  I was being shown was taken from our Love Without End work that we market.

We are living through the most challenging but exciting period EVER   on this planet  this years end and  into the next that just includes what happened  recently in the 2-3 year covid time .

And if you haven’t noticed  the weather patterns are extreme -extreme heat and extreme cold , you name it and they are all seem to  be happening  at the same time .. I cannot recall so much Earth activity EVER  and as we said all at once – earth quakes volcanic events, cyclones , massive storms, massive fire outbreaks, floods all over the world and not just in a few countries.   Everything is being cleansed. 

And the increase in crimes and people literally going crazy , teenagers included all over the world is mind boggling  ..covid induced perhaps ???   but like everything happening now is coming to the surface to be cleansed …People and our teenagers  need LOVE and we can help here   !!!

Some of the Earth events we know are man made but overall Mother Earth is finally rebelling BIG time .These are  resulting in Earth shifts , massive energy shifts occurring  almost daily .Are we   finally starting to ask  questions about where Life on Earth is moving to….. Mother Earth needs your LOVE and attention urgently and LOVE is needed for our Animal and nature kingdoms.

And all this activity will lead up to when Mother Earth finally ‘turns’ which could be ‘soon’ as she has done so many times in the past  like in Lemuria and Atlantis ‘Soon’ could be still years away  ??? we do not know There is no time in Heaven but it WILL happen one day  .


As we have said so many times before we are in for some very challenging but exciting  times ahead .Depending on where we are at in our Spiritual paths., it’s time  for a massive change back to the Heart for Humanity we mean the Sacred Heart, back to LOVE  to survive in these times . Collectively we have been too long away. 



For those of you reading this newsletter we must take more care of our bodies too  (every part -physical, mental. emotional and Spiritual now and go within for all the answers to our life. Practise Spiritual body building ..Prayer and Meditation as we always  mention is so important now And align your self by doing Chakra body building often. 

Extreme tiredness exhaustion on occasions are here for now … this is  leading us up to the major effects/shifts of  the solar flare event(s) and when  so this should  be a true Blessing for Humanity , or a challenge to many, dependent on what Spiritual level they are currently on..

Three  points  to stress here  as we start to  move from a 3 D  to a 5 D  world s 

1) we are becoming Lighter  (in Light and weight) We will not be as heavy as a 5 D human….. our dietary needs should be challenging us and so changing  and we MUST rest and take time out when we need to .

2) Our sleeping patterns should be changing too . Eventually we will not need to sleep for long periods as we do now .Go for more walks (in nature if you can) Exercise Lightly too! BREATHE! in the BREATH  OF GOD ,THE ADAMANTINE PARTICLES!!

And  3) our DNA is being lifted back to 12 active strands (we were short circuited back to 2 strands in ancient times due to our fall from Grace in past lifetimes /civilizations . Our Consciousness our Christ Consciousness will develop exponentially again. 

p.s One of Ocean Ormus benefits is to assist that change back to our original  ‘live’ DNA and our Miracle II can help in so many ways on our physical and spiritual development too PLUS CLEANSE THE TOXINS OT OUR BODIES  that we are constantly being bombarded with almost daily by the Dark ones.

(A note here : Keep your bodies vibration and frequency high above the 3 D world through Prayer Meditation and ask God’s support at least once daily  to raise your frequencies to  a 169 443 level .This is a 5 Dimensional level  (just know this works).


Expect the unexpected ..the coming months in the physical world should be  very challenging but quite enlightening for those who have already  made their goal to return to God wholly.


So many changes are upon us and we must  reinforce the incredible Gift  of  God’s Gift of the Violet Flame too …Pray and use this Violet Flame constantly. – It  it will assist to reduce any anxieties you have personally and  will help alleviate the conditions of our society world wide and Mother Nature’s  extreme activities at present .

We have this Gift of God’s Violet Flame through Saint Germain to use and remove the negative energies on our planet. This can be used in just about every situation in your domestic life ,Mother Nature and world events….

With this Sacred Fire Gift we can become  a powerful instrument of God and do a tremendous Power of good for our families, our homes, our communities, and our world at large .For more about this wonderful Gift  visit our website in the Healing section for an explanation and use of the Violet Flame.


Despite all the challenges our current world holds for us its going to be the most exciting time afterwards that we have ever experienced  living in a ‘Spiritualized’ human body in a more Spiritualized world. 

As part of some of the visions I am getting eventually  that won’t be long. Long term there won’t be State (and possibly no national governments either just COMMUNITIES living under  God’s guidance which is founded on LOVE.) 

Hard to believe  hey but it sure sounds like it will happen!

We hope  Christmas and all throughout 2025  year and beyond we can keep our heads above water as we go about our ‘Father Mother’s business’ of creating our new world ..Remember God’s Power is within us  all  to do so!

If we can help you to better understand our writings our thoughts about our future as they are revealed to us or anything re Jeshua’s and Michael’s teachings, the Phoenix Journals our Healing work  and you can organize sufficient numbers we would be glad to give a lecture or talk ‘at your place’. 

  ……We are here to Serve.


Take all this on board with the Phoenix Journals which were also given by God for these very special times too …..Go to Home >> Four Winds 10 – We  highly recommend  you read Jeshua’s actual  Life story and God’s messages in  “THE TALMUS OF IMMANUEL”

Home >> Four Winds 10 –

Chris Donahue

Four Winds 10 –

Do consider our books and the CDs sets which we suggest  via most of our newsletters. All our Circle of Life’s books  including t Archangel Michael’s are filled with Inspiration and LOVE beyond measure and should form part of many, many  people’s library of books to  study. 


Always consider our great products Miracle II and Ocean Ormus  both Gifts from Heaven. From above I am being shown how powerful  the soaps can work for everything outside the  home ..our gardens , lawns , agriculture, our animal kingdoms and our communities at large.

Remember all our products were given to the world for these          extraordinary times


Until next time do share as you see fit …With the infusion of extra Light bombarding our planet affecting everyone more and more of your family and friends now should be looking to see things in a new LIGHT  and be readier than ever before to listen to what you know and say…..TRUE! 


The energies coming in from the Universe are stronger then they have ever been – call it a wake up  call beyond normal 3d Earthly belief …you see its time to come HOME back to God and  living a  Life of LOVE  .The ‘schoolroom  lessons’ are just about finished  for Humanity on Mother Earth and God wants  us all to Graduate. 

Be game to share  more than ever before what you know (and when to back off) and you may be surprised (like I am getting of late) at what their response you now get is in these  extraordinary times.. I think  in most cases it will be a positive response ….start with  the Covid lie.!!!


The world is more ready then ever before to listen and that will HOPEFULLY include what is revealed via the EBS and Nesara , Gesara  that is still coming !


Breathe in the Breath of God, the Adamantine particles and Breathe out Love .  


.In the  times ahead no matter how challenging NEVER EVER GIVE UP….Take up residence in  your Sacred Heart and never leave this place .. You will be needed more then ever before  from now on and you will be Divinely Protected  (Call on Archangel Michael  always for Protection) 

   And Always call  on God,, Jeshua to LIGHT THE WAY for you

We thank you for your support  always.. and currently we need  that extra bit to keep doing what we have been entrusted to do…so we ask in this news brief for that bit of extra support by  purchasing one of our great products.. you will never be disappointed … thank you and remember just 1 week to go so if you need some stock for Christmas time order  NOW . but we are open through.

                                                   Range and pricing pages attached 


                     Please share this newsletter with whoever you see fit    

God bless, take care , call on Jeshua the Christ ,Mother Mary and all the Heavenly team in your thoughts to help make this Christmas an extra special and very happy one for you and your families.                               


                     Circle of Life