Ocean Ormus special bulletin August 2013

                                                Ocean Ormus  Life Force Essence
 DNA codes from a Spiritual perspective Ocean Ormus and Mother Mary and Jeshua’s Blessing
We write this brief to encourage you to try our Ocean Ormus products. We are now living in such incredible times that every bit of assistance we can get in our Spiritual growth will be a Blessing in our Life and Ocean Ormus befits that perfectly through our DNA It has  a profound affect on the DNA  so read on why!
We have never truly revealed the detailed information that follows until now and the real  reason why we are doing this product range .
Some scientific background firstly
We know from Science 10% of DNA for is for building proteins. 90% is data storage and communication. DNA is an organic super conductor that stores Light. Words and intents can be programmed into any DNA. DNA can only accept Light that is coded in the same language as its instructions.
The same scientists studying our DNA sequencing know only 2, possibly 3 out of our 12 strands of DNA are active. They have believed many strands in our makeup seem to be inactive or useless.
They were puzzled  enough and not that  far enough along in their own explorations to understand that nothing in creation is useless, and they suspected it was not a fluke of nature, although few of them were spiritually open enough to assume the truth that they were just inactive.  
From a spiritual perspective the DNA molecule functions as a conduit through which high dimensional information (through Light codes) can be down loaded to the physical organism.
The truth is NOW we are going back to God and that means we will eventually have a fully activated 12 strand DNA system all working as it was in ancient times i.e Leumeria. God and the God team are reactivating these “unused” strands day by day as we become more Christ Conscious .
As we grow spiritually our DNA will change us in so many dramatic ways-all for good. Our intelligence, our memory and our creativity will escalate rapidly. The final goal is to allow us to be fully awakened Beings that we are capable of.
Obviously 12 fully awakened DNA strands can only be one great Blessing for humanity. We will all eventually have the power to create, to know the Truth of our history and that of our galaxy, but it was necessary first that we each experience the challenges and obstacles of life in 3-dimensional bodies, with free will, and with little guidance from Heaven.
So what has Ocean Ormus got to do  with all this.Where does Ocean Ormus fit  …
Our Liquid Powder Gold is a Gift for these times like it was in ancient times to aid the process of  converting/awakening all the cells of our DNA . It is not that great meditation, breathing, healing and Spiritual Life style habits can’t get us to  full Christ Consciousness -they can, but Ormus (Ocean) aids and in fact can speed up the process no end.
This the ancients knew this and that this  ‘Manor from Heaven’, this ‘Liquid Powder Gold’ could help prolong Life.The great Prophets wrote of it in the Old Testament- Abraham and  Moses and they used it  right through to the Essenes time  Jeshua, Mary and Joseph were Essenes  …The Essenes generally lived  till over 100 years of age on average when normal life expectancy was only about 40 and now we have a like product in Ocean Ormus available for today’s world  that can effect your Health and Wellbeing as well as help you our spiritual growth.
Why we are doing Ocean Ormus ….
Our DNA and Earth’s DNA is the same, linked together rotating the same way. As Mother Earth raises her vibration, our Liquid Powder Gold, our Ocean Ormus can be a bridge, a Gift from Mother Earth to help us move smoothly from 2/3 active strands of DNA to the whole 12 which when opened will take us back to total Oneness..
Four years ago we had never heard of ormus per se, Manna from Heaven yes, but not ormus nor Ocean Ormus We were meditating generally and were given the vision of what ormus was all about and its amazing healing powers. It’s Golden energy glowed and we could feel the Healing Power in it . We were  shown it was used in Abraham’s time and right through old testament times. This message came to us from Mother Mary and it was not just any old ormus but Ocean Ormus .We were TOLD “there was no other ormus quite like Ocean Ormus.” and where we could get it.
And then after we took it on board  Jeshua appeared and thanked us for distributing it .It carries both their Blessings as well as it is probably the best form of ormus on the planet. It is as pure and concentrated as you could possibly get of pure healing Golden energy (from the Sun) in a Liquid form and as close to the original formulations given. (Please ask for a copy of document re Right Use of Gold to  comprehend what we just wrote).
So concentrated and pure is it that some only take 1ml per day although most take  about 3mls. What most of us don’t understand is how subtly it works. Even when you may think nothing is happening … it IS and it can do some amazing Healing along the way plus rejuvenate your whole DNA system. Plus it carries the ADAMANTINE PARTICLES just like our Miracle 11 range does
If you haven’t tried it, meditate on it and ASK for guidance as we are now living in such incredible times that every bit of assistance we can get in our Spiritual growth will be a Blessing in our Life.
As mentioned we have available a very special article on the ‘Right Use of Gold’ for your reading and comprehension with what we have written above. There is also a lot more general information on our website too.     
            “There is no other ormus quite like Ocean Ormus “