In the interests of good health
In the Interests of Good Health
Disease, old age, and death are the result of accumulated poisons and congestions throughout the entire body. These toxins become crystallized and hardened, settling around the joints, in the muscles, and throughout the billions of cells all over the body. It is presumed by orthodox medicine that we have a perfectly healthy body until something, such as germs or viruses, comes along to destroy it, whereas actually the building material for the organs and cells is defective and thus they are inferior or diseased.
Lumps and growths are formed all over the body as storage spots for unusable and accumulated waste products, especially in the lymphatic glands. These accumulations depress and deteriorate in varied degrees, causing degeneration and decay. The liver, spleen, colon, stomach, heart, and our other organs, glands, and cells come in for their share of accumulations, thus impairing their natural action.
These growths and lumps appear to us as forms of fungi. Their spread and growth is dependent on the unusable waste material throughout the body. As the deterioration continues, our growths increase in size to take care of the situation. Fungi absorb the poisons and try to take the inferior material of the organs. This is a part of Nature’s plan to rid the body of our diseases.
We spend a good portion of our lives accumulating these diseases and we spend the rest of our lives attempting to get rid of them – or die in the effort!
As we continue to search for more and more magic “cures” we become more and more involved with complicated varieties of disease. A simple understanding and action has always proved to be the best to eliminate our negative actions and reactions.
Germs and viruses do not and cannot cause any of our diseases, so we have no need for finding various kinds of poisons to destroy them. In fact, man will never find a poison or group of poisons strong enough to destroy all the billions upon billions of these germs without destroying himself at the same time. Do take note of this. Even Jeshua touches on this point in Love Without End
These germs are our friends, there are no bad ones, and if given a chance will break up and consume these large amounts of waste matter and assist us in eliminating them from the body. These germs and viruses exist in excess only when we provide a breeding ground in which they can multiply. Germs and viruses are in the body to help break down waste material and can do no harm to healthy tissues.”
We know that throughout nature everything moves in cycles, constantly changing, constantly cleaning out the old and building the new. Consequently, as a person reaches the “point of no return,” a point where his accumulations have reached the limit of what the body can tolerate, then a rapid change takes place or he dies. The cycle has come to the point where a good house cleaning must be started, and one of nature’s most effective methods is to start loosening and eliminating these poisons with bacteria action.
Animal Protein in the Diet: When one considers that flesh foods of all kinds are extremely toxic, it becomes apparent that they are an extremely undesirable form of nourishment. In the eating of meat, one must take into account all of our eliminative organs. They are made primarily to take care of our own wastes. When we add animal flesh, containing the wastes of its cells (or drugs and other unusable materials), extra work is required of these organs and various forms of trouble will eventually develop.
Sometimes the meat can remain in the stomach for two or more hours and begin to ferment and spoil. To be broken down and digested it must pass on into the small intestine. All forms of meat take longer to digest than do fruits and vegetables. Chicken and other fowl take the longest of all. Just because meat is already a form of flesh it does not follow that it is readily usable by our bodies. In fact, just the reverse is true.
All mucus diseases such as colds, flu, asthma, hay fever, sinus and bronchial troubles are rabidly dissolved and eliminated from the body, leaving the user free from the varied allergies which cause difficult breathing and clogging of the sinus cavities. Allergies exist as a result of an accumulation of these toxins and they vanish as we cleanse our body. People who are over-weight often experience these difficulties, and the more they continue to eat the toxic fat-producing food which cause their obesity, the more other ailments multiply.
The types of disease which are a result of calcium deposits in the joints, muscles, cells and glands are readily dissolved and removed from the body. Cholesterol deposits in the arteries and veins also response to the magic cleansing power of diets like the lemonade diet.
All skin disorders also disappear as the rest of the body is cleansed. Boils, abscesses, carbuncles, and pimples are come under this category. These conditions are, again, Nature’s effort to eliminate poisons quickly from the body….. Miracle II really helps here.
All types of infections are the result of these vast accumulations of poisons being dissolved and burned or oxidized to produce further cleansing of the body. Therefore, rapid elimination of the toxins relieves the need for infectious fevers of all kinds. Infections are not “caught,” they are created by Nature to assist in burning our surplus wastes.”
Deficiencies do exist, primarily because of improper diet and improper assimilation. These deficiencies also produce toxins because of the deterioration of the cells. So we still have only one disease, and with one simple process we can eliminate all so-called diseases of whatever name. As we expel the disease-producing toxins from our bodies, we must also restore the deficiencies.
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