Detox with Miracle II and Ocean Ormus
Circle of Life products Spring newsletter
Welcome to our Special Spring newsletter Detox your body with.MiracleII and Ocean Ormus.
We get great testimonials in regards to the healing and detoxing effectiveness of both Miracle II and Ocean Ormus and in this issue we wanted to reiterate their benefits -how they work, their Alkalinity as it is that time of year to do a detox.
Miracle II and Ocean Ormus are the perfect pure and simple way to do a gentle internal cleansing detox to rid it of parasites, worms or candida or just a general clean up of the internal ‘pipes’. And the beautiful thing about these products you can do it everyday for the rest of your Life …….Spring is a great time to commence before the holiday season comes about.
PH Balance
You know that all Diseases Thrive in an ACIDIC Environment?
Did you know that most degenerative diseases attributed to aging, such as cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease, and other diseases such as allergy, kidney stones and gallstones, have all been scientifically linked to mineral deficiencies that result in your body fluids becoming more acidic?
Scientists report that over 150 or more degenerative diseases are caused by high acid levels!! Parasites, viruses, bad bacteria, and disease cannot live in an alkaline body.
Body fluids range between 4.5 and 7.5 pH (blood must maintain 7.35 to 7.45 pH). A 1-point drop on the pH scale is 10 times more acidic – from 7 to 6 is 10 times, from 7 to 5 is 100 times, from 7 to 2 is 100,000 times more acidic.
All Miracle II and Ocean Ormus products are about 8- 8.4% alkaline except the Miracle II Moisturizing soap and Skin Moisturizer which are about 7.4% . All Miracle II and Ocean Ormus products with regular usage can bring your ph back into balance within 2-3 months.
Take this simple six step approach yourself and with all your family for that matter to purify the total body and pull the toxins out as part of your Spring inner clean.
1)Drink the Neutralizer Liquid daily 5mls at least.. We take 5mls morning and night and have done for over 8 years now, more if we feel a flu symptoms coming on.
2) Take 2-5mls of Ocean Ormus once a day.
3) Eat sensibly and eat pure foods. Wash your vegetables and fruit in our Green soap or neutralizer liquid to remove chemicals and fertilizer spray effects. Even organic foods should be washed.
4) Bathe in anyone of the Miracle II soaps regularly.. A bath could do wonders as it has tremendous power to pull toxins out .Shower with Miracle II soaps and wash your hands likewise – Use one of our soap dispensers to make your soap(s) last and last.
5)Clean the teeth daily with a little Neutralizer Gel and 2/3 drops of soap – swallow what you can as this is awesome what it does internally. Its what’s in the soap that actually magnetizes the nasties out of the body.
6)Apply Neutralizer Gel or Skin Moisturizer wherever rashes, skin issues like dry winter skin conditions and regularly after a bath or shower.
Whatsmore after a Miracle II bath in particular you will find due to their higher vibration, it has a great calming effect on you…Try it out you will be pleasantly surprised.
Total detox effects
So this Spring make the effort to do your detox – Both Miracle II and Ocean Ormus carry the Adamantine Particles and the Violet Flame so will not only assist in doing a detox physically but they work on the emotional and mental bodies and we all need to be doing a gentle ‘Mind, Body and Soul detox’ in these special times and regularly.
Ocean Ormus… Total life effect
The most amazing thing about Ocean Ormus this Liquid Gold, this “Manna from Heaven” is its “effect” on us overall. We have had some great insights about Ocean Ormus – we know it will help us through some of the changes ALL humanity is going through at present working on a very subtle level on our DNA .
Ocean Ormus …safe for all
There is no harm in getting anyone to trial this amazing product as it cannot harm nor can you overdose on it, nor will it interfere with other treatments. It is simply the purest natural ‘liquid powder gold’ and ocean sea minerals combined and much more.
We remind you There is no other ormus quite like Ocean Ormus”
We would reiterate it is SAFE for children and babies and pregnant women to take In fact some ladies have already been guided to take for their ‘unborn’ child’s sake .In these cases they require only a small amount. Use your inner knowing as to the requirements needed
Why not trial this Ocean Ormus for yourself, your family and friends and even in small doses on your animals and pets and see what it can do for you We do have a trial size pack available as we now offer a special dispensing unit for those who request.
Check out our website for more links/ information re ormus and Ocean Ormus.
And as its Spring Miracle II is great for cleaning and sanitizing for your Animals too plus your home, office, shop or factory.
Check out all our cleaning tips on our website-Miracle II powerful concentrated, non-toxic soaps act as antibacterial antifungal cleaners, detergents, disinfectants – for everything that needs cleaning, sanitizing and that means EVERYTHING! They also act as a great Insecticide/Repellent and you know how super concentrated they are to save you heaps…
“Don’t leave home without it” this Spring and Summer and know you are helping our Earth and our Waterways when you choose it”
*Scientific and Clinical study report re Miracle II is available on request.*Scores of people’s personal testimonials can be obtained by writing to or emailing Circle of Life.
Don’t forget we have a tremendous range of Sacred Art, Pure Essential Oils, Inspirational books and CDS for your ‘Spiritual Health and Wellbeing’ ..All to really Inspire and Lift you ..Our 14 Master CD set is truly a Manuscript for Living in the 21st century…It is time for these Teachings to be heard and known everywhere and we have a Special price on offer ..refer range/ price list attached !
Next month we will run a Special feature on How to use our Miracle II and Ocean Ormus ranges as wonderful alternatives in your Beauty Care/treatment. Do look out for it.
Please share our newsletter as you see fit ……Till next time
Circle of Life: Contact [email protected] or ph 041 721 4936
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