You are the Light of the world

“You are the Light of the world”




                                   Circle of Life 2017 June newsletter  


Welcome to our June newsletter. We are coming into extraordinary times so if you normally only scan quickly or have never thoroughly read through our previous newsletters we would ask  you read this one differently as we go through 2017 planetary craziness, the ‘ascension’ process -tiredness and exhaustion beyond description . As always we say discern what we write and take into your Heart only what you believe is your Truth


You will see when you read through why we reiterate each month to stay focused in the Sacred Heart and Live from that space as we go about our daily lives  These times will truly be calling for your attention and Service. Everything you have ever experienced in this lifetime and particularly the difficult times has fitted you for your ‘job’ ahead .


The more you centre and focus your life from within, you will know ALL is in Divine order and the less  ‘world crazy events’ that are happening now  will affect you .Do you realize  Your Light and your Love can change everything.


The Shift


This time of the SHIFT of the ages is like no other. Humanity is ready for the major shift NOW (and you are needed) – the Shift is to a higher Life of Love,  Peace and Beauty where no darkness nor evil can exist ,where all are equal, where we will know we are ALL ONE!.


We have seen waves of Photon Light transmitting Gamma radiation  bombarding the Earth plane like streams of electric current and recently intensifying . This God activity is helping to ‘rewire’ the human bodies among other things.(remember the Schumann Resonance report in last month’s newsletter showing how the Pulse of Mother Earth’s heartbeat has intensified).


The Adamantine Particles and the Violet Flame


This new energy carries the Adamantine particles ‘the body of God’ which will help you create a ‘new world around you. The Adamantine Particles also carry and intensify the Violet flame and so much more .


Do you know that you can use the Adamantine Particles to even help diffuse the chem. trails.

You can use the Power of the Violet Flame to’ neutralize’ so much darkness on our planet within families communities, governments and the world at large ..If you are into healing modalities like Reiki you can add even more .


You see the foundation of Reiki energy is the Violet Flame .Both Reiki and the Violet Flame  were given by God to  St Germain to give this Gift to humanity …(St Germain  was St Joseph, Jeshua (Jesus)’s father). 


Read more about the Violet Flame Reiki and Healing  from our website at 


Current world situation


We have read and seen like most of you so much stuff from the media the  internet ‘behind the news’ about who is corrupt, which persons and governments are to blame for this and that, the wars and even Earthquakes and entities coming from outside of Mother Earth. 


We tell you every country is partly to blame for Earth’s and humanities state   Each has good and dark ones in them and ‘all are playing the game’. We tell you all that is written in many new age and doomsday blogs, websites etc material is not necessarily true.. Discern what you read . Besides which some of the information you read is second and third hand information coming through interpreted by a writer and makes  ‘headlines’ and ALL of it only diffuses the Truth, helps put the Light workers into fear and takes away their Power…


Remember as gods- Becoming we are and will CREATE our own future but we must viewing Life from a higher perspective apply Love and Forgiveness to all situations , move forward and clear the past .

Did not Jeshua say “Forgive them as they know not what they do”.


In the Heavenly world the Light has won.. All we are seeing is a final chapter of an outplaying of  the dark activities as they know their time is up .So from now on never relinquish your Power to anyone. You carry the god seed in your Sacred Heart – “You are the Light and Love of the world”  .Rise above all the effluvia and see the world a much safer and holier place as it will be as you Create it !  

Lift our game , be a beacon of Light and Love .All are needed at this time …we don’t realize how powerful we are!


Jeshua summed us up this way when He said  …”Don’t you know ye are Gods”  

Hu (man) is  a Sanskrit word  for Hu=god man and He also said of the future “The things I do you will also do and more”  Go within there you will find out how and get all the answers to  your Life.

A word on the Ascension process here


So much is written about Ascension that we would remind you.. Ascension is not a magical star-dust thing that immediately changes everyone but it is a newly opened 5th dimensional doorway that each chooses to pass through when ready. With all the new energies coming through at this time this is speeding up  the process, the opportunity of consciousness to advance through this ‘doorway’ but the choice is each persons. depending on their readiness, their pure intent and indeed their light quotient. It has always been so, one heart one soul at a time  




So this year in reality started and heralded ‘the dawning of the Age of Aquarius’ and our Earth and all  Life forms, humanity are going through a cleansing process like never before. We simply cannot take any garbage into the golden ‘times so many ‘events’ are taking place world to assist that process.


For many people are going into  Fear who don’t understand as YET what is happening around them. Certainly Depression and like issues are on the rise. Be concerned,  help where you can of course but stay removed. Be compassionate but not involved as we MUST allow people that space to master their own lives as the most powerful changes still to come are in fact the changes WITHIN..


Why are we repeating this now ….to help you better prepare your Life for more Active Service to humanity, our earth and all kingdoms upon her. 


If we are attuned to Spirit then we will always be in the right place at the right time and be shown where and when to move IF that is your case. There are legions of God’s team , masters, saints, Angels and Archangels ‘waiting in the wings’ to be of Service to you but be One with God, Christ and the Holy Spirit within you firstly


Call on Jeshua, Mother Mary (especially for women and children) and Archangel Michael or whoever you feel  drawn to assist you take the next STEP the next leap  of Faith to  be of SERVICE 


Spiritual Business Plan


Review and then revise your Spiritual business plan .. I have revised mine again include family, children and associates) and do so in your own handwriting.. If you haven’t done so please give it a got You will be amazed what it may bring up Pray and meditate before doing .Write down everyone you would like to be involved with, everything you need to have, what Heavenly and/or Earthly team of people around you that can assist you  


SIGN YOUR LETTER OF INTENT AND DATE IT  and  write on a separate piece of paper all the things that you feel are STOPPING you like your work, the mortgage, your family, your lifestyle ,your current living environment whatever  then burn that list .  


As a way of perhaps receiving answers, leave your revised Spiritual business plan OPEN on the table  overnight as you ASK for never know what you will receive !.           

May you take a major leap  of Faith,’ don’t hold onto the shore any longer’ ,jump off the cliff and FLY OFF into the never never what ever form that takes ….You will find your work is about to begin anew ……


Jeshua and Michael books , Miracle II, Ocean Ormus, Reiki, the VIOLET Flame and more… 

God has given us Jeshua’s Love Without End, Archangel Michaels books , Miracle II and now Ocean Ormus to  share and distribute with you for these times  Do consider these awesome Gifts They carry the Violet flame of redemption , the Adamantine particles and much Healing energy .


Plus Ocean Ormus we were given among other things to further enhance the Miracle II process by giving us the Spiritual food to help us plug and rebuild the ‘body form at DNA and cellular structure.


It is time for you, the committed, disciplined and dedicated Light workers like never before to “shine their Light into the darkest places” and support your fellow man as best you know particularly when the world may seem to be going ‘insane.’


If you would like us to give a talk about any of our work, our teachings, healing or what has been revealed to us and you can organize a sufficient number for a talk or seminar we would be happy to oblige


Two quotes from “The Keys of Jeshua” and the Bible to finish our newsletter which directly applies to all of us ,our lives and our work 







                              “If I (you)be lifted up  will draw all men unto me”   

                                   and He also  repeating what I said above

                            ‘The things I do you shall also do and more”  .


The Living Word of St John and The Keys of Jeshua available through 


This is your time 

 Till next time “Breathe in the Breath and Light of God and Breathe out Light and Love”



Till next time many blessings and please pass on as you see fit


Circle of Life


PO. Box 700 Engadine NSW 2233

041 721 4936


“You are the Light of the world “