Miracle II Ocean Ormus winter newsletter no 3

Welcome to our third winter newsletter for 2019. We know our products are awesome and such  a Gift for these  incredible times so in this issue we wanted to remind you how powerful Miracle II and Ocean Ormus can help strengthen our immune systems and be used to protect us all from the colds and flus season….


Plus we feature some great testimonials for both Miracle II and Ocean Ormus.


Miracle II firstly


Miracle 11 to ward off winter ills and chills…Nothing beats a good old hot Miracle II Violet Flame bath to ward off winter chills, coughs, colds and flu  It is great way to detox, energize yourself  and cleanse the mental and emotional bodies too .

Just add 4 capfuls of any of our soaps in a bath and soak for a good half hour. Apply Neutralizer Gel, Neutralizer Liquid or some Skin Moisturizer afterwards.


We have always strongly recommended that bathing is a MUST part of a total Miracle II Health and Wellness routine and do drink plenty of Neutralizer Liquid to help build up your alkalinity and immune system.


Plus drinking Neutralizer liquid is great for all your Reflux, stomach bugs, candida, thrush and digestive problems – You can never overdose on it.

Chest Infections, sore throats, ear aches, infections – Rub Neutralizer Gel onto back and front of chest, Spray Neutralizer liquid into mouth, ears and dab some Neutralizer Gel up the nasal passages.


All Miracle II products are Antifungal and Antibacterial so wash the hands often with any one of the three natural and organic soaps..Use one of our Foaming dispensers to make the soaps last and last and all are SAFE to take internally (verified by FDA in the US )


Rub the Neutralizer Gel  into all aches & pains, joints. Mix with some Ocean Ormus Pain Ease if really severe.


For All Skin care problems that always seem to increase in winter months – Eczema, Acne, etc, have regular Miracle II baths and then use the Neutralizer Gel and/or Skin Moisturizer


If you didn’t have any Neutralizer Gel, Skin Moisturizer handy you can still use any one of the soaps to do a similiar job so leave on the skin after a bath even.


Teeth& Sensitive Gums and oral hygiene – Brush the teeth twice a day with Neutralizer Gel plus three drops soap . We have NEVER  heard of gum or tooth decay afterwards from those who use everyday.


Bubs and children
And don’t forget ALL Miracle II products are great for babies and children generally – teething, gums and napi rash too as well as their runny noses and general winter blues.


There is a Miracle II product for your every health and personal care need this winter! And don’t forget your animals and pets same application just vary dosages according to their size and weight.


Don’t forget also to get maximum nutrition from your fruit and vegies, you can safely wash your vegetables in 7/8 drops of one of the pure and natural Miracle II concentrated soaps and/or spray Neutralizer liquid onto your fruits, veges you eat with the skin left on..


Spray your meats, fish and chicken to neutralize Steroids, Mercury, Hormones and it marinate them.


Miracle II can actually save you money…A customer  did an exercise with Miracle II versus her previous household budget spending on cleaning, personal care and basic health needs and she discovered after her 3 month survey Miracle II was actually saving her about $200 per quarter.


This customer even made up 3 different strengths of cleaning products from Miracle II –she used pure water to mix with as this saved the Miracle II having to clean up the water before it cleaned up the home. Her lowest strength formula following our guidelines was a mix of only 1 % Miracle soap to 99% pure water and even this killed insects .Her top strength is 20% soap which she uses as a prewash stain remover


She has several foaming dispensers placed in her home -these soaps sanitize and disinfect the hands no matter what strength .(Mix 1 part soap with 4 parts water)They are a very cost effective way to use the soaps in the shower, bathroom, kitchen, toilet, laundry, office, shed or caravan.


One last great part of her story was that a tradesman who was renovating their kitchen at the time asked after inspecting all the pipes why was she replacing them- They were like new inside (12 year old though).He looked at her grease trap (they were on septic) and no grease nor did she ever have it cleaned.


A 1% strength Miracle II formula was even marketed by two of our distributors as a glass cleaner and their customers have commented that it is the best glass cleaner they have ever used .What’s more it is antifungal and antifungal.


Same with washing the car -small amount of soap in bucket of water..watch it bubble up. and .the shiniest car you will ever see and no polish required .What goes on the grass or down the drain helps our Earth.


     “Know you are helping our Earth and our Waterways when you choose Miracle II “


Now to Ocean Ormus     Testimonials


A great way  to introduce our Ocean Ormus section is to list some of the testimonials we have received   These are separate to what Miracle II is doing, however we do suggest like myself you take both…. Miracle II works faster on releasing toxins and other nasties out of the body and helps, maintain your ph balance. That then allows the Ocean Ormus to go to work faster internally.


Some people say taking Ocean Ormus in the morning helps their energy levels for the day and those who take it at night  it seems to give them more Light dreams.. Testimonials come through for alleviating Depression, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and people are getting quick results …


Emotional, mental bodies…It definitely seems to work on the emotional and mental bodies such as we have commented on in previous newsletters.

We believe it would ideal for many children and teenagers suffering from stress from exams etc and peer pressure issues Its an’ anti stress’ pill and helps bring calmness , serenity to the body, mind and spirit


Total life effect…The most amazing thing about this Liquid Gold, this “Manna from Heaven” is its “effect” on us overall. We know it was used in ancient times right up to Jeshua’s (Jesus) time .It was known to prolong Life as well as act a great Healer

We have had many more great insights about Ocean Ormus apart what is shared with us in our ‘Testimonials’ files– We know IIT WAS GIVEN TO US FOR THESE SPECIAL TIMES to help us through the changes ALL humanity is going through at present as we move from carbon based to a crystalline body..


We have a great list of satisfied customer’s comments in our files…*.Intuition, decisiveness, competitiveness and feeling of wellbeing calmness, serenity plus much ,much more…greatly enhanced

We hear some wonderful stories like this recent endorsement…Greg the delivery arrived of the best ormus on the market I truly mean that I use your product with the utmost confidence. I have used it in the fight of my life against head and neck cancer to boost my immune system while having chemo and radiation it helped me improve my chances to kick the cancer out of my abode this is something very special my friend so glad I found it Greg and thank you for what you do mate take care 


SAFE for all…There is no harm in getting anyone to trial this amazing product as it cannot harm nor can you overdose on it, nor will it interfere with other treatments. It is simply the purest natural ‘liquid powder gold’ blended with ocean sea minerals and much more and is Blessed !.


We would reiterate it is SAFE for children and babies and pregnant women to take In fact some ladies have already been guided to take for their ‘unborn’ child’s sake .In these cases they require only a small amount. Use your inner knowing as to the requirements needed.


Why not trial this Ocean Ormus for yourself, your family and friends and even in small doses on your animals and pets and see what it can do for you We do have a trial size pack.


Disclaimer: we make no other claims only what we and our customers have seen and stated and this seems to verify what has been written about by Barry Carter and others on the U.S websites .Remember our Ocean Ormus is the M-3 that is referred to on the U.S sites, but it also more. Refer to Barry Carter’s site: http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/health/another.htm for more general information re: ormus.


Do check out our other four Inspirational Ocean Ormus products too…We know…  

                                   There is no other ormus quite like Ocean Ormus”


There is nothing like our Miracle II, Ocean Ormus and Sacred Oils anywhere as they all carry the Adamantine particles, an incredible Gift from God for these awesome times. These products will come unto their own in these extraordinary times !


And do look at our other inspirational Gifts- our Love Without End and Archangel Michael books ,  Sacred Heart Reiki, general Healing, Counseling and Programs for your Life (like no other.)  Plus we are available for Lectures and Speaking events !


Spread the good news re Miracle II and Ocean Ormus!  Every little bit supports our work  We are here to Serve …Till next time .


Range page enclosed

www.circleoflife.com.au  041 721 4936


                                                   In the Circle of Life we are ALL One