Its time to create your new world
“Its time to create your new world “
Circle of Life’s New Year 2014 newsletter
A happy new year to you all and welcome to our first 2014 newsletter We have a very powerful yet simple message for you all this month and that is there has never been a better time to Create the world you wish to see around you than now and we do mean NOW. There has been so much work done by Heaven and all the Light workers that there has been so much more infusion of Love and Light from our Creator on our little planet that it is ripe and fitting to do so .Heaven’s doors have been truly opened for us all to really start to bring Heaven to Earth.. That is what our mission was and IS, as god becoming empowered human beings.
The Spiritual business plan we often talk about -do it or redo it again NOW! Write to God .Do in your own handwriting Sign and date it It doesn’t have to be grandiose. You don’t have to be officially a Teacher but you will by your example. It may be to help the down trodden this year, the homeless or do more Service or Community or Healing or volunteer work with children or those that are aged and sick. Whatever form it takes you will be given so much support from Archangel Michael and all the Heavenly hosts to do what you believe is within your scope of your Love, your skills, your expertise.
This may turn out to be just the most magical exercise that you have ever done and for those of you who want to think BIG and ‘Build the world you want to see, we promise you they will come’. We are seeing that happen as we write with friends moving up to that challenge .The God team is waiting for all of us to take up the challenge NOW in this year of 2014 !!!.
You know statistics say 80 % of people are in the wrong job but stay there to ‘simply make a Living’ but NOT A LIFE. Many carry enormous burdens and are really stressed within enough for the medical profession to say that a similar percentage (80%) of all illnesses are caused by stress.What do you think might happen if you were fully ’employed’ in the work that you Love. We can promise you from our own experience with Love as your foundation you can Co – Create anything you wan t to see in the world around you .
As we said earlier the Intensified Love Light of our Creator is pervading all Life now on our planet more than ever before which should make it an extra magical and special time for Sharing yourself, Giving yourself as Christs Becoming.
And here is something to ponder which you may not of thought of ….Don’t give too much thought to any /all world events now. Stay above all the effluvia of 3rd dimensional world issues not dwell on news items ,certainly be aware, be compassionate but not sympathetic You lower your own vibration by doing so and because you are so powerful now, you lower the collective vibration of the planet.
You have heard it said “Our thoughts create our reality”. You know we as a collective humanity have created all the erratic weather patterns, the storms, the earthquakes because of our state of mind ,our ways of living, our wars our greed our non caring for our Mother Earth. When enough of us are living from a 5th dimensional viewpoint on this planet in Peace, Harmony and Oneness of all Life, all these events will simply cease.
There is no other true Power but LOVE and that is where we are all heading – Everyone, even though it does not look like that with humanity en masse. Everything is being exposed now ,everything is coming to the surface to be cleansed and everyone will eventually ‘wake up’ even if it takes several more lifetimes to do so but we are not here to judge anyone’s path but simply to LIGHT or reignite the Spark of as many as we can .
For most reading these newsletters the ascension or awakening process will rev up in earnest this year. For us it is about bringing Heaven to Earth not in reverse. Our inner knowing will develop beyond our wildest imagination which will bring us much Joy if we truly stay Disciplined and Committed to the Path and focused to live from our I AM Presence, our Sacred Heart not our minds.
Do check our website for the Courses and programs we offer which include…
Our very special Sacred Heart Reiki and Seichim both now further enhanced and infused with the extra Love energy of God’s Adamantine particles,
Courses and Programs based on our Love Without End work from Jeshua and Archangel Michael. .Michael’s tools are quite extraordinary for your Spiritual growth and general well being and of course all Jeshua’s teachings are based on LOVE..
We are looking forward to travelling and presenting our programs, lectures and products around Australia in 2014. Archangel Michael is saying the times ahead are exciting but challenging and critical for humanity and YOU are needed to help spread the ‘Good News’ firstly with your family, friends and if it is your Path to the greater public. Humanity is ready for a Great Shift in Consciousness and that time is NOW and you are NEEDED !
Look forward to meeting with many of you in these incredible times ahead in 2014. We are participating in two major expos early in 2014 on the Gold Coast from 31st January till 2nd February and in Brisbane from 28th February till 2nd March Read up more in our EVENTS section of our website or Facebook for more information and all past newsletters.
Thank you for all your support throughout 2013.We hope our newsletters have been of value to you all if so please share this special bulletin as you see fit…These are urgent times .It is time for all to know the Truth of their Being, that they are LOVE and only this can and will change the world ..
Have a very happy and Joy filled 2014!
Till next time always
“Breathe in the Light of God (the Adamantine Particles of God),
Breathe out the Love of God” and share them around
Please pass on as you see fit
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