“God’s still doing Miracles” …Miracle II special report
” God’s still doing Miracles”….Addendum note to the Miracle II story
Circle of Life’s Miracle II a Special report
In our excitement to get our Miracle II story out today we feel we left out a few key points that new users might still be asking so we add the following as a footnote or before note…Hope you enjoy!.
When we travelled to the States. we were invited to stay at Clayton’s home for 2 days which we did and were treated like a long lost son by he and his wife. He was keen for us to take on Miracle II. A few things I saw in this man blew me away.He had been in the Korean war and had suffered severe burns and skin cancers all over his body from Agent Orange used in that war. He was now 70 but I could not help noticing he had the skin of a very young teenage boy no matter how I looked at any part of his skin from his face to his feet and I did that often just in case I ‘needed to go to Spec savers’.
He also had such an aura around him that I am sure he could glow in the dark. When he spoke to audiences and he did all over the US for many, many years( He also had boundless energy), many people got a healing from his talk even before they started using Miracle II. His theme in all his lectures was always “God is still doing Miracles.” …He was his own unique Ministry but he did not belong or believe in structured churches.
He told me it took 8 years to finally let go of all attachments before God asked him to ‘go to work’ in earnest and then the real Miracles started happening for anyone and everyone all over the US at first, and then overseas including here in Australia. We have always gone quiet on this issue as just 6 months after our visit and Clayton appointing us as his distributor for ‘down under’ the FDA, FBI and CIA tried to close him and us down (Us through the TGA ).Big pharma and major consumer companies tried to buy him out and then when he said NO they tried to stop him trading .
They put out notices in major newspapers and radio stations throughout the US ..We were asked to recall every product we had ever sold and had sold a lot at that time through lots of marketing activities We did a lot of praying then we can tell you.They never got one complaint only thousands and thousands of testimonials of people getting healings so backed off .This was one God product that was not going to be stopped. The A to Z chart we copied you earlier today is based on people’s testimonials but bear in mind not everyone experiences the same results even when they go to healers
You know though Clayton acting on God’s direction, Miracle II was probably a major catalyst for companies worldwide to start to produce Natural and Green. Rest assured what we have today in Australia is still the same God given product.
Take what you want out of Clayton’s story but for us he is an incredible unique human being and an incredible Example of Faith and Trust in God and real Life as Love in Action for all of us on a Path to follow.
Circle of Life’s Miracle II… a Special report
Welcome to this special newsletter re our Miracle II product range. For many of you are new users and do not know some of the background as to the Why and How this product range came about we thought we would fill you in and have added some more great insights along the way from our handling of them for some 9 years or so.
Miracle II is a Gift from Heaven It was given to a Clayton Tedeton to give to the world to clean up the body, the animal kingdom and take care of Mother Nature at the same time. They are totally NON toxic and each product, soaps included are natural and organic and so safe you can take internally. They actually work like homeopathy, so a little goes a long way
Why Miracle II and not Miracle I ..I was Clayton’s miracle of being saved and able to walk again after a horrific car accident which should have kept him bedridden or in a wheelchair all his days. He was a multi millionaire who asked God If He helped him, he would do anything for which God cured him and Clayton honoured that but he also had to give up everything he ever owned and still then give Miracle II to the world. He did of course, each product in the range came at varying intervals after that
Back to our story. Miracle II products are formulated along a Nikola Teslar technology of using Free Energy to magnetize toxins and dirt out of the body or wherever they are (and so ideal for cleaning and washing) They contain seven minerals and herbs including Magnesium, Potassium and Calcium ,two sea minerals and two herbs which are arched or fused together under Liquid Light using 440 volts of electricity to BOND them as a unit of incredible Life Force energy.
Clayton received and then wrote down this formula from God written in LIGHT on his bedroom wall at 1.00 am in the morning and the means to make them, He immediately went out to make a batch of soap and gave it away as part of his cleansing and releasing all his wealth (he had to build it up later from a new perspective ) ..Anyway miracles happened even with the Soap.
When we came on board with Miracle II we were blessed to see how Clayton was given the formula but it was then taken away from us as it was his Gift from God not ours but were ASKED to take this product to the Australian market place as our background was sales and marketing and had a great love for cleaning up the Earth as much as the body even in our corporate days.
We were ASKED to go to the U.S to meet with this man in Louisiana and check out his story at the same time we were ASKED to check out Glenda Green and Love Without End in Sedona (we had been doing this beautiful work for several years and so the timing was great) but we were not very liquid financially . As it turned out Clayton loved Aussies and we got on famously. He actually paid for our trip and some expense money. So here we are still doing this incredible product range.
One thing we were privy to when we took on board was that it contained the VIOLET FLAME and we saw that Clayton at the time was given the products to be NEUTRALIZERS as I don’t think he understood that concept but never asked. We know the Violet flame is the great Neutralizer in the Universe .
You might not know too all Miracle II soaps foundation are 80 % Neutralizer Liquid , so is the Laundry Ball which has 20% soap content (but never gets used up as it works like a magnet).The Neutralizer Gel of course is stronger and the Skin Moisturizer contains Neutralizer Gel as well. The Neutralizer Liquid is so practical to use every day in 101 ways
So we thought that was worth sharing again We know things are tough today but everyone needs to change the way they are doing things plus these awesome products of ours carry a Christ Consciousness, as well as the Violet Flame, Healing energies plus now the Adamantine particles We feel Blessed to have them and share. What is more you only need the smallest amount to do any job. You can water down 100 times in some instances and still get the same results and a Violet Flame bath does wonders emotionally, mentally as well as physically.
We attach an A to Z chart of some of the 101 + personal uses for the whole range
Next we will do a special feature on our Ocean Ormus range as it too is a great Gift for the world for these changing times.
If you would ever like some more information or you have a sufficient sized group of people we would be prepared to give a talk about these awesome products at ‘your place’ as we need to Spread the good news about these amazing products for these special times .
Please share this special report and thank you for your support of our wonderful products and do read up on our website our other newsletter under the Circle of Life heading as we relate to these special and changing times.
Circle of Life P.O. Box 700 Engadine NSW 2233
www.circleoflife.com.au 041 721 4936
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