In the Circle of Life we are All One
“In the Circle of Life we are all one “
Circle of Life March April newsletter
Beloved one, each and every one of you is more valuable than ever you have contemplated, and each and every one of you is so needed at this time and so Loved at this time that God has given you to this world. For God so Loves this world that he gives you to know your value and to be the Light. Go forth now as the Light, the sunshine of everyone’s life”…..Jeshua
Welcome to our March / April newsletter.. So much has been happening in our world these past few months its almost mind boggling and it will increase in the coming months. We decided to write just a little bit earlier before bigger energy shifts happen in April but as we ask often discern what we write as to how much agrees with your own Truth.
We ask you up front to go within for all the Answers to your Life are there and forever be the LOVE THAT YOU ARE more than ever before. If you are reading ‘channelled’ messages proliferating the internet or see a psychic if you need to ask what the dickens is happening to me and our world do DISCERN as there is much disinformation, misinformation circulating the internet. It is intended you are or will be the perfect channel of God, Christ and Holy Spirit working and speaking from within you and know all the answers for your Life.
The energy shifts ,the incredible amount of Adamantine Particles, Star dust (from the Comets, Solar Flares and the like), infiltrating the Earth’s atmosphere from Heaven these past few weeks have nearly been enough to send us off the edge and as you know that is happening right across the world with many right now .You might not feel it YET but this is actually making you stronger and more prepared for the times ahead.
So we know and understand things may seem tough at present but they may get even tougher in April.. Know all will pass! Many structures, governments, war machines, institutions, churches and organisations that do not serve the Light or humanity have to go.
All of those that are not of the Light are feeling the Shift more as they are the ones who have to change dramatically or be removed before we can move on into the New Age properly. The dark ones days are numbered unless they face the Light and they know it. Holy Spirit a short while ago gave us a vision of the last hundred or so of their leaders who do not face the Light literally been dumped off the planet ..that time is not too far off hopefully.
And as for all of us we cannot stay asleep any longer .Light workers .Awaken! Your work is at hand to help awaken a sleeping humanity after they find out how much they have been duped, lied to, help those who want to go forward (not all will) rediscover their connection to their Heart and Soul. We are to introduce to them the Concept of the Sacred Heart principle to encourage them to find their Spiritual centre and learn to live from there. This the middle road all must take now, no short cuts, no ‘side show alleys’ from some new age groups. “Straight and Narrow is the path” the Great One said.
This will take COMMITTMENT and DISCIPLINE on yours and their part. To that end we have fired up our Reiki teachings, attunements with extra Gifts given us -we now call ours Sacred Heart Reiki, focusing on igniting the Sacred Space within and Jeshua and Archangel Michael want us to take their Teachings out in the public arena to help heal the wounded Hearts. If you, your family or friends are interested please let us know.
Humanity as a whole cannot live any longer the way things are on our little planet .Humanity has been holding up the Solar System, the Galaxy and the Universe for God’s plan for our Universe to move Onwards and Upwards to Greater LIGHT. There is NO SEPARATION in Life even at this level ..ALL IS ONE.
If you have been neglecting your Prayers Meditation (singularly and in groups) and good works get back into it ..Time as we know is short for the changes ahead. Spirit has told us there are many change still ahead for all humanity and for the US there is “going to be something happen that will affect ALL Americans.” Pray for America which has strayed so far from Source (as a nation not individually) to be the seed for the I AM race once again as it was in the beginning when their Constitution was written.
The Nature Kingdom so forgotten in our world
“Humanity must learn not just to live on the Earth but work with Her and all Her Kingdoms” if we are to go forward as a race.
It’s time to get more ACTIVE re serving our planet You have read surely the Bee kingdom is being obliterated by Genetically modified pesticides and fertilizers that are killing the Bees in the multi millions Do we realize without our Bee kingdom who pollinate the flowers, plants, trees we would not have 80% (yes 80%) of all the fruits and vegetables that are grown above Mother Earth’s soil .
Genetically modified is going to become even a bigger topic than going/growing Organic soon among the masses .So many packaged foods and even restaurant foods have GMO ingredients and don’t have to declare it by law. Our kids snack boxes, cereals (not Sanitarium’s) many vitamin pills .medicines are full of GMO…Look at the ingredients on processed tinned food and packages too.. If you don’t know the names don’t buy.
Do you also know the Pollen from GMO farming can cut across to an Organic farm nearby and render that farm GMO too. Join groups that are working overtime to put the genetically engineered companies out of business or change their ways or for a start declare GMO ingredients on their labels .I saw a film recently where animals were given two food choices to eat one from a GMO grown source and one naturally grown. .you guessed it. .they did not even touch the GMO one
GMO foods do not mix or agree with our DNA!
And apart from the droughts and the floods on our great country, our soil is being ruined for Farming by the likes of giant mining companies exploration with such toxic chemicals that it may take decades no centuries to ever be able to grow crops on the land again just to get things like coal seam gas out of the Earth.This path is destroying our Great Barrier Reef at the same time.
When we are in “LOVE” truly living from the Heart of God, our Elemental and Fairy Kingdoms will once again work with Humanity and change all these things around with us at the helm …Many good people in fact all over the planet are doing that now even though it is in very small areas!
We do not realize once we Live from the Heart of God how we can become Co creators with the Angels, the Elementals the Nature Kingdoms and make all things new on Mother Earth and that includes balancing the Seasons – the rains and the dry periods ,Refreshing the Soil to once again to hold all the wonderful base metals, minerals and nutrients that our bodies need .The Ancient Indian tribes were at ONE with God and Nature and knew how to do this. We will too when we live from our Sacred Heart
Live from the Heart and only the Heart from now on and all disturbances on our planet with pass with Ease and Grace
We MUST make the time Heaven is working overtime to get us to …You know some of the wonderful simple things that happen for us everyday is to be able to get up exactly a the time we need to. .Just ask our Angels .We drove to Brisbane recently for an Expo I thought my car was perfect but Spirit showed me a few nights before I had to get it checked. Sure enough there was $840 worth of repairs.
You get so many messages about family and friends in trouble or needing help, people who are sick needing healing and attention .You see people you are meant to meet the next day beforehand and so on .You get asked to send Violet Flame and prayers to people/ places on the planet in trouble …..It is a comforter you know you are protected and on the right path .Do use the Violet Flame to NEUTRALIZE that needs cleansing on our planet
Think about what you can contribute to the coming times apart from being the Love that you are. Write out a Plan for your Life (doesn’t matter what age you are) in your own handwriting and offer it to God. Join the numerous groups doing wonderful things for our planet Lyn White’s Animal world, the Organic Consumer Groups/News (Australian and US) (you get first hand information about GMO and Organic generally)AVAR Org (may be spelt wrongly) and make your presence felt
So this is the challenge for the Light workers .. There are millions of us well meaning but sleeping Light workers who are still STUCK and cannot “see” the next step in their soul mission at the moment. As Jeshua has said many times ‘the labourers are still too few‘. All are needed now!
Our thoughts can and WILL create our Reality eventually. Through the Sacred Heart, our God within, collectively we will turn the Light switch on so brightly soon that the darkness will disappear on this beautiful planet and bring all life dwelling upon her with us.
And keep in the rhythm of Life, show people the Spiritual Path is a wonderful journey .. Get out of the office, factory, shop or whatever is your normal routine – Sing and Dance, Exercise Lightly ,get massages ,Breathe, yoga , meditation, get some Healing, go walking country or bush or alongside rivers and waterways all these will keep you grounded centred in your Sacred Heart space .
Circle of Life’s Way to assist you ……
We have a great Gift to offer you in our “Sacred Heart I AM Seichim Reiki” . God has given us a new dimension to our Reiki Healing and Attunements that will open up the Sacred Heart to more Love, more healing for yourself and others but then it is always up to you what you do with it…
As we said earlier we also offer some wonderful “Jeshua/ Archangel Michael” programs to do likewise and of course all our “Miracle II, Ocean Ormus Inspirational books art and Sacred oils” to help you to Self heal (this is a main factor in all our work -to teach you to Self heal)
Plus we will get round the country to give lectures, healing and attunements when and wherever we can. Call or email us re any talk or lecture you might like us to do in your town or state and we will see how we can accommodate .We are here to Serve….
The times are exciting but challenging .Stay firm on the path, the Light has won in Heaven. It is just not quite there on this plane YET……So till next time please share as you see fit.
“Breathe in the Light of God (the Adamantine Particles of God),
Breathe out the Love of God”
and share them around
Circle of Life
“In the Circle of Life we are ALL One”
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